Getting Started
How to start with the plugin.
1. Spigot
You need Spigot or Paper for the plugin to work. He doesn't use any other.
2. Java
You need Java 17 for the plugin to work.
3. PlaceholderAPI
This dependency is optional, but it is highly recommended to have personalized welcomes at the highest level.
Remember to follow the instructions for downloading variables. If you need to use variables from the Player expansion, you need use the following commands to make them work:
/papi ecloud download player
/papi reload
To install this plugin you will need to go to the Spigot page (, once downloaded, you will need to paste the plugin in the /plugins folder and restart your server.
Config.yml File
This file is the root of the plugin, here are the lines that you will have to modify to be able to have your welcome.
Last updated