
# ASpawn
# by Astrum Studios

# Message sent when a user does not have sufficient permissions.
no-permission: "&8[&dASpawn+&8] &cYou don't have permission to use this command!" # You can use PlaceholderAPI

# Message sent when a location is null.
location-null: "&8[&dASpawn+&8] &cThe spawn point has not been set!" # You can use PlaceholderAPI

# How long to wait until you can use the command again (in seconds).
enable-cooldown: true
cooldown-time: 5
cooldown-message: "&8[&dASpawn+&8] &cYou must wait {time} seconds to use this command again." # You can use PlaceholderAPI

# A particle will be sent after being teleported.
enable-particles: true
spawn-particles: "FLAME" # You can use "Random" for a random particle.

# A sound will be sent after being teleported.
enable-sound: true
spawn-sound: "ENTITY_FIREWORK_ROCKET_LAUNCH" # You can use "Random" for a random sound.

# A title will be sent after being teleported.
enable-title: true
spawn-first-title: "&aWelcome to spawn" # You can use PlaceholderAPI
spawn-second-title: "You entered the zone" # You can use PlaceholderAPI

# The player will respawn at the spawn point.
respawn-on-spawn: true
respawn-need-permission: false # The player will need the aspawn.respawn or aspawn.admin permission to respawn at the spawn location.

# Teleports players to spawn when they drop into the void.
spawn-on-void: true
void-bypass-permission: false # If you have the aspawn.bypass.void or aspawn.admin permission, you bypass this system.
void-alture: -70 # Modify the height depending on your version or your needs.
void-message: "&8[&dASpawn+&8] &cYou can not do that." # You can use PlaceholdeAPI

# The amount of time to countdown before teleporting the player in seconds.
enable-countdown: true
countdown-time: 3
countdown-message: "&8[&dASpawn+&8] &7Teleporting in {time} seconds." # You can use PlaceholderAPI

# Send effects when using /spawn
enable-spawn-effects: true
    duration: 10 # In seconds
    level: 1
    duration: 5 # In Seconds
    level: 1

# The player is sent to spawn when he enters.
spawn-on-first-join: true
first-join-bypass-permission: false # If you have the aspawn.bypass.firstjoin or aspawn.admin permission, avoid appearing in spawn when entering.
spawn-on-join: true
join-bypass-permission: false # If you have the aspawn.bypass.join or aspawn.admin permission, avoid appearing in spawn when entering.
particles-on-join: true
sound-on-join: true
title-on-join: true
effects-on-join: true

# Other options.
send-message-on-join: true
message-on-join: "&8[&dASpawn+&8] &a%player_name% you have entered spawn" # You can use PlaceholderAPI
enable-message-spawn: true
message-on-spawn: "&8[&dASpawn+&8] &a%player_name% you have entered spawn" # You can use PlaceholderAPI

# Don't touch if you don't know about it.
  ==: org.bukkit.Location
  world: world
  x: 0
  y: 63
  z: 0
  pitch: 0
  yaw: 180

Last updated