
# EChat
# by Astrum Studios

 ### Messages  | You can use PlaceholderAPI ###
m-no-permission: "<red>You don't have permission to use this command!"
m-blocked-command: "<red>This command is blocked."
m-banned-word: "<red>You cannot write the word {word}."
m-antispam-message: "<red>You must wait {time} to write again."
m-antispam-commands: "<red>You must wait {time} to use commands again."
m-ping-message: "<green>%player_name% ping is {ping}ms"

 ### Prefixes | You can use PlaceholderAPI ###
p-blocked-prefix: "<dark_gray>[<yellow>Alert<dark_gray>] <red>%player_name% has used the /{command} command"
p-blocked-word: "<dark_gray>[<yellow>Alert<dark_gray>] <red>%player_name% has write banned word: {word}"

 ### Titles | You can use PlaceholderAPI ###
  title: "<red>You cannot write the word {word}."
  subtitle: "<red>This word is banned!!"

 ### Sounds ###

 ### ActionBars | You can use PlaceholderAPI ###
a-banned-word: "<red>%player_name% You cannot write the word {word}."

 ### Config | ChatColor ###
chatcolor-enabled: true

 ### AntiSpam ###
antispam-enabled: true
antispam-commands: true
antispam-delay: 3 # Time in seconds.

 ### Chat Formats ###
enable-formats: true
  owner: "<dark_gray>[<dark_red>Owner<dark_gray>] <dark_red>%player_name% <gray>»<white> "
  admin: "<dark_gray>[<red>Admin<dark_gray>] <red>%player_name% <gray>»<white> "
  vip: "<dark_gray>[<yellow>Vip<dark_gray>] <yellow>%player_name% <gray>»<white> "
  default: "<dark_gray>[<gray>User<dark_gray>] <white>%player_name% <gray>»<white> "

 ### Block Commands ###
block-commands-enabled: true
alert-block-command: true
  - plugins
  - pl

 ### Banned Words ###
enable-banned-words: true
enable-bannedword-message: true
enable-bannedword-title: true
enable-bannedword-alert: true
enable-bannedword-sound: true
enable-bannedword-actionbar: true
    - 'dick'
    - 'fuck'

Last updated